The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of Andalusia has ruling competences at regional level for, among others, agriculture, livestock, rural development, sustainable development, environment and climate change. Moreover, the Regional Ministry is responsible for the dynamisation of the agricultural heritage of Andalusia.
Within this competence framework, the Regional Ministry promoted and coordinated the proposal for the designation of the GIAHS "Uva Pasa de Málaga en la Axarquía" (GIAHS Málaga Raisin in the Axarquía), which was approved in 2018, and the performance of its Dynamic Conservation Plan. In addition, it is the interlocutor with the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and also the responsible body for the implementation of the afore mentioned Dynamic Conservation Plan.
The Regional Ministry encourages its own participation in projects and initiatives within the framework of the policies of the European Union, in collaboration with national and international public and private entities of interest. Likewise it has an extensive experience in the participation and coordination of European territorial cooperation projects. Therefore, it leads the VALSIPAM project to promote the dynamisation and the touristic sustainable valorisation of the GIAHS and similar territories of the SUDOE area.
Some projects of the current framework in which the Regional Ministry participates and whose subject somehow connects them to VALSIPAM, as they promote the conservation and enhancement of determined natural and cultural heritage resources, are the following: BIODEHESA (LIFE), MedArtSal (ENI CBC MED), BIOHERITAGE (SUDOE), VALUEPAM (SUDOE), OPNE2PRESERVE (SUDOE), IMPACT (Interreg Europe), MONTADO-ADAPT (LIFE), ORNITURISMO (POCTEP), UADITURS2 (POCTEP).
ADRAT, the Alto Tâmega Region Development Association, was founded in October 1990 with the aim of supporting initiatives and actions that, in some way, could contribute to the development of the Alto Tâmega region. It is composed by of the municipalities of Chaves, Boticas , Montalegre, Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Valpaços and Ribeira de Pena.
ADRAT’s main activity is to promote the development of the entire territory through the promotion, coordination and dynamization of important projects for the region, making available means of financing and skills capable of executing the most diverse types of actions. In this way, ADRAT intends to reach the following objectives:
• To promote the improvement of living conditions in a region marked by rurality;
• To stop the population loss, which started in the early 60’s;
• To promote and valorize the territory’s resources and competitive potential in order to provide the region’s populations with superior levels of social and economic well-being;
• To create wealth, to foster culture, innovation and enhance the quality of life of the population, preserving the specificities and cultural identity of the Alto Tâmega region.
In the previous EU programming periods ADRAT was responsible for the management and implementation of various programs and projects for local development, where the LEADER Program, LEADER II, LEADER+, PRODER, EEC PROVERE, the SME Training Program and various specific Intervention Plans for rural areas of the Alto Tâmega can be highlighted.
ADRAT also plays the role of LAG - Local Action Group, with the objective of performing the management and implementation of the Local Development, rural Community-Based (DLBC), of the Alto Tâmega (LEADER), for the period 2014-2020.
Within the frame of the last two EU programming periods, ADRAT participated and led several cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation projects:
• INTERREF IIIB Atlântico (AGRO Project);
• INTERREG IIIB Sudoe (VAGEM Project);
• INTERREG IV C (B2N Project);
• Leonardo da Vinci – Lifelong Learning (MYRCAS, AQUANET, AGRONATUR and ECO DIAGNOSTIC Projects);
Since 2018, ADRAT is performing the management of the Barroso GIAHS, carrying out a work of liaison with both FAO and local agents, participating in meetings and workshops and implementing the Action Plan.
Rota do Guadiana – Integrated Development Association is a non-profit private entity made up of around 80 members, of which 12 are collective members.
Created in 1992, it assumes itself as a local development initiative, built on local and inter-institutional partnerships, such as Local Authorities, Professional Schools, Development Associations, IPSS (Private Institutions of Social Solidarity), Recreational and Cultural Collectivities, etc.
Rota do Guadiana chose the Left Bank of the Guadiana river (Mourão, Moura, Barrancos, Serpa and Mértola councils) as a privileged space for intervention. As an Association for local development in rural areas, during its twenty-nine years of existence it has been divided for the promotion of economic and social development, where, within the field of economic development, the management of the mentioned geographical area by IC Leader II and Leader +, Subprogram 3 of PRODER is highlighted. The Association is currently the manager of the Community-Based Local Development Program.
In the field of social development, since its inception the entity has developed education and training and adult initiatives, being accredited by DGERT. The activity of recognition, validation and certification of competences was developed within the framework of both a New Opportunities centre, since January 2014, and a Centre for Qualification and Vocational Education (CQEP).
The initiatives to combat exclusion are another line of intervention and the entity has implemented initiatives under the PLCP (Poverty Fighting Program), Progride and currently Local Social Development Contract. Within these programs, targeted to the most needy public, intervention with the gypsy included.
Still in the field of social development, the entity developed projects within the scope of IC Employment - eixos Now and Integra, IC Adapt and IC Equal.
Currently and in view of the panorama of agricultural intensification, since 2017 the front of support for migrants has emerged, with several interventions related to reception and integration but also to the promotion of interculturality and the training of public and private entities, as well as research. These interventions were and are undertaken under the FAMI (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) and a Local Security Contract.
In the environmental field, the entity created and manages a bioregion -BIOMeg- and it is the founding entity of the Competence Centre for Biological Agriculture (CCBio), also carrying out diversified actions to promote this type of production.
In the context of the aforementioned interventions, various transnational cooperation projects with similar entities should be mentioned Starting from the aforementioned domains, the organization’s areas of intervention are as follows:
• Economic Animation
• Culture and Environment
• Education, Training and Certification of Skills
• Social, Professional insertion and Community Animation
• Support Services for Local Agents
• Cooperation for Development
The Mancomunidad (Community) of La Taula del Sénia is made up of 27 municipalities in Aragon, Cataluña and Valencia. Its strength is based on achieving a maximum consensus among municipalities, on cooperating with all administrations, as well as cooperating with the economic and social sectors.
The Mancomunidad has boosted the creation of the Association Territory of the Sénia, 50% made up by the Mancomunidad itself and 50% by the economic sectors of the region. It has been the Mancomunidad itself that has led the project ‘Olive oil and Millennial Olive Trees in the Territory of the Sénia, which has helped to stop the plunder of the millennial olive trees and to achieve the protection, conservation and valorization of this important living patrimony, unique in the world, recognized by FAO as a GIAHS site.
This represents a good example of public-private collaboration.
The Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia has experience in the management of projects at national and regional level. Regarding the European Union projects, during the last years the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia has participated in the “European Heritage Days”. The philosophy of the Heritage Days aims to unveil the unkonwn and forgotten heritance that is a part of our history. To this aim it is important to know and preserve this heritage to transfer its values to the future generations. The Heritage Days have already been consolidated in the territory and the participation has increased spectacularly in the course of time.
The Valle Salado de Añana Foundation was created in 2009. Its patrons are: the Basque Government; the Álava Provincial Council; the Gatzagak Salt Producers Society and the Municipal Council of Añana.
The recovery and conservation of the valley is a strategic project and a strong driver of social, cultural, environmental, economic and touristic development, with the following key aspects:
• Recovery and conservation of the landscape and its architecture
• Production and sale of high quality salt, marketed in 25 countries
• Very profitable investment
• Source of economic activity and employment (50 direct jobs)
• Strong social and institutional commitment
• Feelings of identity, cohesion and belonging by citizens and administration
• Resilience: updating of salt varieties and new guided tours
• Maximum heritage, cultural and environmental protection
• Recognitions: Internationally important RAMSAR wetland, Slow Food Presidium, UNESCO Indicative List, Anchor Point-ERIH, etc.
In 2011, 2012 and 2014, the Foundation obtained finalcial support by the Sustainable Rural Development Program of the Basque Country 2007-2013, through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The experience was very positive in all the years and, thanks to this support, the Foundation was able to carry out strategic projects within its scope of action.
In June 2019, the Generalitat (Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development), the Provincial Council of Valencia and the Valencia City Council, constituted the Consorci del Consell de l’Horta de València.
Its objective is to guarantee the survival and to promote the dynamization of agricultural activities in the Horta de València, promoting a more respectful agriculture and allowing complementary uses and activities, which can be compatible with the agricultural activity.
The Consell promoted the candidacy of the “Historical Irrigation System at l’Horta de València”, which was declared GIAHS by FAO in November 2019. Notably the creation of a link between rural and urban areas, integrating agricultural and hydraulic cultures.
The Consell has worked with the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development in the preparation and implementation of the Agrarian Development Plan for the Huerta de València to valorize the 11,000 hectares of orchard in the l’Horta district as a cultural, heritage and economic element.
The recent recognition by FAO as a GIAHS space for this historical irrigation system, for which the Consorci del Consell de l’Horta de València is responsible, together with the objectives and functions entrusted by the Law 5/2018, of March 6, of the Huerta de València, in an environment highly stressed by other types of uses and interests, makes possible that projects supported by supranational entities, like this one, legitimize the actions undertaken by the consortium.
Given the recent creation of the Consorci del Consell de l’Horta de València, it has not participated as itself in EU co-financed projects yet, although the constituting entities (the Generalitat, the Valencia Provincial Council and the Valencia City Council) have effectively participated.
However, we must highlight the work carried out together with other institutions for the preparation of the candidacy for recognition of l’Horta de València as a GIAHS space by the FAO.
Since 1994 Andanatura Foundation has been promoting the socio-economic development of rural areas and natural spaces in collaboration with public and private institutions, with small and medium-sized companies and intermediate development agents.
Based in Seville, its scope of action extends to all of Andalusia and to the national and international territory through the development of European territorial cooperation projects.
It has extensive experience in:
• Projects whose results are transferred to territories and companies, which promote the creation of wealth and employment in rural areas / natural spaces, being supported by iconic natural and cultural heritage elements;
• Business advice for new business lines and the consolidation and improvement of their profitability and competitiveness;
• Tourism development strategies that provide an added value to sustainable agricultural systems with the support of digital platforms, the cooperation of all the agents involved and the improvement of their training.
Andanatura has an extensive experience in the performance of transnational projects and it has participated in more than 20 in recent years, in programs such as SUDOE, POCTEP, POCTEFEX, ATLANTIC AREA or the European Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.
It has managed more than 10 million euros in ERDF, EAFRD, ESF, EEA Grants funds:
• SUDOE: VALUEPAM. Valorization of Wild Aromatic-Medicinal Plants.
• ATLANTIC AREA: ECOSAL ATLANTIS. Ecotourism in Atlantic Salt Areas
• EEA Grants: WOMEN BUSINESS MODELS to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of female entrepreneurship in rural areas.
The Chamber of Agriculture of Cantal is a public establishment run by elected professionals representing the main players in the agricultural, rural and forestry sectors.
By representing the agricultural interests before the public authorities and the local communities, the Chamber of Agriculture of Cantal is a body for reflection and proposals on the orientations and priorities of the agriculture and the economy of Cantal. It is made up of a team of 75 technical staff and engineers, consulting specialists. With their experience and their complementarity, they put their energy at the service of those who want to run their operations in the best way and to succeed in their development projects.
The Chamber of Agriculture of Cantal has always worked to serve and maintain the agriculture of the department. It develops individual and collective counseling activities with farmers and stakeholders in the rural world. It also supports the development of collective territorial development projects, some of which link up agriculture and tourism directly in our department.