Wild orchids in the Serra da Adiça: The Montado in the Serra of Serpa: discovery walk of this treasure

There are 27 species of wild orchids in the Serpa mountain range, although their flowering occurs differently throughout the first months of the year. Hikers will have the opportunity to enjoy incredible trails in this protected area where respect for nature, biodiversity and the preservation of species is guaranteed. There are many surprises in store along the route, such as the observation of imperial eagles.

Wild orchids in the Serra da Adiça: The Montado in the Serra of Serpa: discovery walk of this treasure
Wild orchids in the Serra da Adiça: The Montado in the Serra of Serpa: discovery walk of this treasure
Wild orchids in the Serra da Adiça: The Montado in the Serra of Serpa: discovery walk of this treasure

Duration: Half Day

Dates-Season: Between January and May

Language: Portuguese, Spanish , French, English

Price: per person/total experience: €45,00

Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to adjustments.

Wine and olive oil: two icons of the region. Meet, taste and worship!

Since ancient times, wine and olive oil have been two of the most precious liquids in the history of mankind. Olive oil, also known as "green gold", is carefully produced in Serpa; wine, born even before writing, has, in the region, an intense flavour, authentically marked by the climatic and geological characteristics. This is the journey we invite you to make!

Wine and olive oil: two icons of the region. Meet, taste and worship!
Wine and olive oil: two icons of the region. Meet, taste and worship!
Wine and olive oil: two icons of the region. Meet, taste and worship!

Duration: 2-day/ 2-night

Dates-Season: Between January and September

Language: Portuguese, Spanish , French, English, German

Price: per person/total experience: 250€

Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections

Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table

Serpa, among many other attributes, is known for its high quality cheese. The sheep (which is the mainstay of any cheese dairy and gives the product the Protected Designation of Origin - PDO) and the goat, whose milk is the most commonly used for fresh cheeses, are present in the life of this Ragna town and in its gastronomy. Learning about the origin of this dairy product, the legacy of history in its production - including transhumance - and its flavour are part of the experience of this territory.

Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table
Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table
Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table

Duration: Full Day

Dates-Season: Between March and November

Language: Portuguese, Spanish , French, English

Price: per person/total experience: €45,00

Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections.

Alentejo mounted: from black pig to Sweets

The typical image of Baixo Alentejo, in particular of Serpa, is that of the mountain pastures, composed mainly of cork oak and holm oak, with, in the middle, the black pig, so well known for the quality of its meat. Culture, tradition and necessity obliged its people to respectfully look at this system, taking advantage of elements that make up the traditional gastronomy, ranging from sausages to jams.

Alentejo mounted: from black pig to Sweets
Alentejo mounted: from black pig to Sweets
Alentejo mounted: from black pig to Sweets

Duration: Full Day

Dates-Season: Between January and May and between October and December

Language: Portuguese, Spanish , French, English

Price: per person/total experience: €85,00

Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections.


Feel the Pulo do Lobo: bird watching & emotional expression

In contrast to the Alentejo plain, the rocky waterfall of Pulo do Lobo emerges. The walkways available to visitors consist of 300 steps, with several levels for rest and contemplation of the landscape. The activity offers the opportunity to understand the symbiosis between nature and man through, among other things, the observation of some iconic bird species.

Feel the Pulo do Lobo: bird watching & emotional expression
Feel the Pulo do Lobo: bird watching & emotional expression
Feel the Pulo do Lobo: bird watching & emotional expression

Duration: Half-Day

Dates-Season: All year round

Language: Portuguese, Spanish , French, English

Price: per person/total experience: €145,00

Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections.

From heaven to mountain range: Crossing the border post of S. Marcos to the guard of the Poupa

From heaven to mountain range: Crossing the border post of S. Marcos to the guard of the Poupa
From heaven to mountain range: Crossing the border post of S. Marcos to the guard of the Poupa
From heaven to mountain range: Crossing the border post of S. Marcos to the guard of the Poupa

The best of this experience:
- Posto de S. Marcos, its biodiversity and its total selfsustainability
- Wealth of unique fauna and flora
- Route from S. Marcos to Ficalho: Understanding the local agrobiodiversity
- Support for local producers.

Price: per person/total experience: €190,00
Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections.
Duration: 3-Night/ 2-Day
Dates/Season: Autumn, Winter and Spring

Sweet Experience: Beekeeper for a Day

Sweet Experience: Beekeeper for a Day
Sweet Experience: Beekeeper for a Day
Sweet Experience: Beekeeper for a Day

The best of this experience:
- The mounted and its natural splendor
- Apiary - field experience
- Melaria - observation and participation in the extraction of honey
- Tasting and tasting of honey-based products
- Overnight with the mountain in the background, integrating the knowledge acquired throughout the day in relation to local biodiversity.

Price: per person/total experience: €105,00
Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections.
Duration: 1 day/ 1 night
Dates/Season: Between June and July

From the field to the table: Serpa cheese production

From the field to the table: Serpa cheese production
From the field to the table: Serpa cheese production
From the field to the table: Serpa cheese production

The best of this experience:
- Ride through the mount of serra de Serpa 
- Cheese Interpretive Center
- Rouparia: your interactive and participatory visit
- Regional product test

Price: per person/total experience: €45,00
Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections.
Duration: Half-Day
Dates/Season: From March to November

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