Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table

Serpa, among many other attributes, is known for its high quality cheese. The sheep (which is the mainstay of any cheese dairy and gives the product the Protected Designation of Origin - PDO) and the goat, whose milk is the most commonly used for fresh cheeses, are present in the life of this Ragna town and in its gastronomy. Learning about the origin of this dairy product, the legacy of history in its production - including transhumance - and its flavour are part of the experience of this territory.

Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table
Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table
Serpa cheese and its derivatives: from the field to the table

Duration: Full Day

Dates-Season: Between March and November

Language: Portuguese, Spanish , French, English

Price: per person/total experience: €45,00

Note: Price at the date of the proposal, includes IVA at the legal rate. Subject to corrections.

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